Wednesday, July 29, 2015


The SPCA visited today with Bugsy and two amazingly friendly and cute guinea pigs. They educated the children about what the SPCA does and the 5 important things animals need:
Food and water
Vet care

The children learnt that animals have feelings just like we do and when you have an animal it becomes part of your family.
They all got to pat Bugsy and the guinea pigs. We were so lucky to have the SPCA visit. They do amazing things for animals!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Imagination Station

On our trip the children had a great time building with the lego. The pit was huge, many children had never seen so much lego in one place. They used a programme called Lego Digital Design to build a house and make changes to it.

Monday, July 27, 2015

New Furniture

All of our new furniture has arrived and it is fantastic. It's bright and colourful and there are a range of shapes, sizes and levels for the children to choose from. Each child has their own cubbyhole (remaining 4 on their way) to store their belongings.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


Thank you to Lily and her family for providing the materials for the class to make their own boat. The children had so much fun! Hopefully they will get a chance to float their boat during the holidays.