Friday, August 14, 2015

Slice of Heaven

We will be learning the song  'Slice of Heaven' for our showcase. I have put the lyrics on the blog under the song tab so you can learn it at home too.


Congratulations to our first place winner Arabella and our second place winner Lachie. I was very proud of everyone for being able to recite a poem in front of a large audience, for some this was a challenging task and it was great to see children overcome those butterflies (or moths in some cases).

Friday, August 7, 2015


The results for the poetry competition are:

1st place - Lachie
2nd place - Mia
3rd place - Bella
Reserve - Arthur

Lachie and Mia will represent Room 5 in the finals next Thursday. All the children did a great job and I was proud of each of them for standing in front of a large audience and reciting a poem.